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Chase Nova Band

Alternative // Marino, Dublin // They

Chase Nova Band are a genre-melding band based in Dublin, Ireland. Chase Nova is the lead songwriter for the group, while Ken, Georgia, Josh and James provide unique dynamic soundscapes for each song. Their live shows are always special and never the same twice. Their debut single “Echo” reached no. 3 in the iTunes Ireland singles charts while their debut album, “The Sobering Fact” reached no.2 on the iTunes Ireland album charts. Their comeback single "Beg For It Back" was released to acclaim in December of 2024 and they have two singles promised for 2025.

"'They have that effortless charm and charisma that comes only from being excellent musicians who know they could shred your face off on a whim, but prefer to loosely groove their way into your heart.” - Noël Duplaa

"Chase Nova relays painful and troubling memories with an authentic sense of feeling, but won't allow the nature of the beast take all of the fun out of it..” - Remy’s music and film

“The instrumental beneath each song evokes a distinct realness to the music that lead vocalist Chase Nova has created. You can tell each song has come directly straight from his core......Nova’s creativity, originality and playfulness as a songwriter are put on a pedestal.’”