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de nihilo nihil

Alternative // Cork, Cork

De nihilo nihil is a music/poetry collective founded in 2012 featuring people in different countries (Brazil, Ireland, Germany and Japan, so far).

The first EP "to a songbird" is mostly acoustic, and features violin player Kathryn Doehner, guitarist and founder Wagner Miranda on electric/acoustic rhythm guitar, Marcelo Badari on the lead guitar and Gregor H. on the piano. Their second effort, "ashes", was the result of a search of a more eclectic (and electric) sound. This time, the lineup consisted only on Wagner Miranda (rhythm electric/acoustic guitar) and the multi-instrumentalist Marcelo Badari (lead guitar, glockenspiel, keyboards and drums). This June, the same duo from "ashes" put out "near to the wild heart" with a different approach: fuzz pedals, guitar feedbacks and more keyboards effects show another side of the lo-fi collective, and its continuous trend of always moving forward.

What about the poetry? The collective also released and EP with two poems written by Wagner Miranda: 'the longing', read by Colm Hall (The Drop of a Hat) and 'winter', read by Brenda O'Driscoll. A new EP with three more poems is to be released by the end of this semester.

The band's 4 EPs can be heard in their entirely on

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