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Digg Deep

Pop // Dublin

Digg Deep is the genre-bending project of Julia Mahon. Aside from her original projects in the Irish DIY scene, she is known for her studio and live work with Owensie, Heathers, Enemies and Royal Yellow. Heavily influenced by bands such The Knife and Talking Heads, the writing for Digg Deep is focused on a perspective always inspired by a struggle and search for identity. This inner world is vividly portrayed through an emotional intensity in the songs; promising an irresistible sound and an energetic fling with styles. With a swirling mix of lush synths and brass, crisp guitar, and catchy vocal melodies, the songs take on a fresh, original groove with chunks of experimental and noise elements, thirsty for an avant-garde pop sound. Since releasing the 'Night and Day' EP in July 2024, Digg Deep has enticed with an exciting, multi-instrumental live set - featuring members of Blood Donor, Skinner and Yankari. Night and Day was produced by James Eager (James Vincent McMorrow, The Scratch, Sorcha Richardson) in The Clinic Studios

The second EP, recorded with Rian Trench in The Meadow, is set for release in Autumn 2025.

Album in the pipeline, follow for the timeline.

Praise for 'Soak It Up' -

"...From the interlocking rhythms, augmented interwoven vocal lines... and fuzz-filled synths, ‘Soak It Up’ is a joy to listen to as Digg Deep delve into their own pop influences to produce an instant gem... Digg Deep continues to evolve as a truly exciting new prospect for 2019..." - The Last Mixed Tape.

"...a warm and incredibly pleasing fusion of multiple pop sub genres... Sometimes with singles you get that moment of euphoric joy, 'Soak It Up' fires them out everywhere with great generosity..." - Remy Music.

Praise for 'Before We Were Born' -

"...With a summery groove built upon glistening keys chords and a superb vocal hook delivered from Heathers‘ Louise Macnamara, the track sounds like the first signs of an artist well worth keeping an eye out for..." - Nialler9.

"...the sound of ‘Before We Were Born’ showcases Digg Deep as an artist willing to meld a myriad of genre flourishes into her music including electro, pop and R&B. All of which work seamlessly together to create the ambitious sound of the single itself" - The Last Mixed Tape - "song of the week".

"The Sound of the Summer" - Eoghan O' Sullivan, The Point of Everything.

Digg Deep has performed in Bello Bar, Sin É, The Harbour Bar, A4 Sounds Studios, The Workman's Cellar, Whelan's.