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Experimental // Galway, Galway

Formed against the backdrop of Amsterdam's fertile jazz scene, this trio has forged an intense
and volatile sound, at the core of which passion and emotion always shine through.

Established in 2011 during their music studies at the Conservatory of Amsterdam, these three
personalities came together through a shared interest in improvising. They approach this freely,
without constraints of genre or style. In this way they have formed a trusting bond that allows their
music to go anywhere. Touching on areas as different as jazz, rock, film music and Latin-American
folk, their compositions contrast between structure and abandon. Maya Fridman's haunting cello
melodies are supported by the powerful grooves of Mauricio Ramirez's drumming. That combined
with the intricate guitar work of Aengus Hackett make for a constantly evolving sound that is not
afraid to go from gentle tenderness to raging fire in the blink of an eye.

DINOSAUR have performed at prestigious venues and festivals in the Netherlands, such as
Bethany's Jazz Club, Amsterdam and the 2013 'We'll Meet Again' festival, curated by renowned
Amsterdam musical centre, MuzyQ. Their performances are marked by deep passion and
commitment to the music, bringing the listener on an intense journey.

DINOSAUR are at the beginning of their career, but are already making a name for themselves as
a strong and unique voice on the European contemporary music scene.

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